Friday, April 1, 2011

American Idol Recap - Circle of Life


So, that happened.

Your American Idols, America, got up and sang songs from the glorious songbook of Mister Sir Elton John, who was lucky enough not to have to show up for the proceedings. 

I feel like every critique I'd give would be almost exactly the same as last week.  The country people sang country.  The people who sing ballads sang ballads.  The girl who growls growled.  The guy who oversings oversang.  The guy who has little to no control over his upper limbs held a guitar again, prayze Jeebus.  

Shambert set a piano on fire, so, you know, there was that. 

And Seacrest got a haircut that makes him look like a six-year-old boy.

So today, in the interest of time and my sanity and in honor of Spinal Tap, everyone's getting a two-word review.  

But first...

The performances from Best to Worst:

  • Deej A- (I'm docking points for personality.)
  • Shambert A-
  • Haley  A-
  • Naima B
  • Stefano B
  • Pia B-
  • Shorn Seth Rogen B-
  • Baby Lockthemdoors C
  • Mrs. Klump C
  • Megiabot 2000 C
  • Paul C-
No D's today!  Well done, class!

Your Bottom 3, America: Thia, Naima, Stefano

Who's Going Home? Thia and Naima


blake lively nicole richie kendra wilkinson halle berry

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