Tuesday, March 15, 2011

American Idol Recap - A Baker's Dozen of Mildy Talented Karaoke Singers

A few notes before we get down to business:

1. Apparently the IdolDome stairs are not as steep as previously believed.  I no longer hold my breath every time that sweet little moppet, Ryan Seacrest, saunters down them.  Thank you, new 360 degree camera view!

2. Jennifer Lopez's single is #1 on the iTunes.  You did this, America.  I hope you're pleased with yourself.

3. But J-Lo's red lipstick?  Fabulous.

And...Here we go!
Grading the Performances:

Naima A-
Shambert B+
Haley B
Pia B
Casey B
Baby Lockthemdoors B
Lauren B-
Jacob B-
Stefano C+
Ashthon C-
Thia C- 
Karen D+
Paul F-

Your Bottom 3 Tonight, America: 


Who's going home?  Ashthon.

What did you think of Idol's first real performance night?  Who are your favorites?  Who do you think is headed home tonight?

Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/hammervision/2011/03/american-idol-recap---a-bakers-dozen-of-mildy-talented-karaoke-singers.html

Natalie Portman Katie Holmes Penelope Cruz nicki minaj

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